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Luzerne County, PA

A Zoned Community


Phone: 570-333-5131

Road Dept: 570-333-5131

Emergency 911

State Police Wyoming Barracks: 570-697-2000



Homeowners Insurance Change 2019

Northmoreland Fire Company will become NORTHMORELAND FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT" as of January 1, 2019.

The changes the fire company has made will result in lower Homeowners Insurance. Read Revised ChangesRead more ...

Northmoreland Fire Company

Northmoreland Fire House

The Northmoreland Volunteer Fire Co. located at 1618 Demunds Rd. Dallas, provides coverage to both Franklin and Northmoreland Townships.

  We boast an active membership of over 72 members ranging from the ages of 14 to Life Members that respond to emergencies, handle administrative duties, conduct fundraisers or the many other tasks that are necessary to manage and run a fire company.  We have a Cadet Program that fosters youth to become involved in the community, especially the fire company that is younger than 14 years of age. 

We have one of the few fire companies that continue to grow in membership, even though the national trend in volunteerism is declining.  We have living quarters for members to stay in to ensure rapid response to emergencies and our members live throughout both Franklin and Northmoreland Townships.  We are always recruiting membership and our members would be happy to at least show you our station, apparatus and equipment, so you have a better understanding of what we have available to you.  Who knows, maybe it will spark interest, and you will become involved with us in protecting your communities.

Read more ....

How do we get in touch with you?

In the event of an emergency dial 911.  If it is not an emergency you can contact our Fire Station at 570-333-4911.  This phone is not always answered, but an answering machine is available to use for you to leave a message.  Typically within 24 hours your call will be returned.  Our Fire Chiefs phone number is 570-760-2411 and he can be reached at any time for any operational questions or concerns.  Our Presidents phone number is 570-333-4906 and he can be reached for any administrative item or facility rentals.



Franklin Township Fire Company

Smoke house

Fire Hall Rental

The Fire Hall is available to rent for your events.

Call Fire Dept. at 570-333-4124 to reserve your date!




Franklin Townshiip Organizations



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last updated 01/2016