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Luzerne County, PA

A Zoned Community


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Road Dept: 570-333-5131

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State Police Wyoming Barracks: 570-697-2000


Comprehensive Plan


This Comprehensive Plan was undertaken by the local officials of Franklin Township
in recognition of a number of principal critical community needs:

to identify and inventory the changes which have taken place in the Township,particularly over the last 10 or 15 years.

to address growth and development issues related to the sprawl of Wilkes-Barreand Kingston into Dallas and neighboring rural municipalities.

to establish a framework for the conservation of the rural character residential neighborhoods, open land, and the environment while concurrently providing for sustainable growth and development.

to provide the foundation for updated land use management tools, principally thezoning ordinance and the subdivision and land development ordinance to ensure well designed development and to minimize sprawl.

to organize for the most efficient administration of local government and the delivery of community facilities and services.

to address consistency with the Lackawanna - Luzerne Counties Comprehensive Plan.

Source: Lackawanna and Luzerne Counties Comprehensive Plan (NAIP 2004 Imagery)
The Plan







Franklin Townshiip Organizations



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last updated 06/2009